Monday, September 1, 2008


Tropical Storm Faye sent from 3 to 20 inches of rain across the Georgia peanut belt and about the same in Florida and Alabama.

I have looked at a lot of peanuts since the rain, even through he panhandle of Florida and Alabama all the way to the new production area near Mobile. As a rule peanuts look really good right now. I have been surprised that Spotted Wilt has been as light as it is and that White Mold hasn't just exploded.

I saw a few fields in Southwest Alabama that had been hammered pretty hard with Spotted Wilt but not much else that had severe infestations at this time.

Harvest is upon us and hopefully we get good harvest weather.

I think for a rule the rain benefited peanuts more than most other crops, especially crops more sensitive to the wind that accompanied the rain.

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